Symeo Crane-AntiColl Software "Collision Control Center"

Symeo Crane-AntiColl Software "Collision Control Center"



Symeo Collision Control Center (CCC) is a modular assistance and management system developed especially for crane anti-collision applications. CCC can be called up via a web user interface in any browser. The software makes it easy to configure triggers for warning and stop signals. The system is capable of tracking cranes with various dimensions, even at different heights. The individual crane anti-collision environment can be easily simulated and stored in the CCC. Cranes can also be prevented from crossing over pre-defined safety zones. Safety zones can be individually adapted on the fly. The positions and speed of the cranes and trolleys are measured with the highly-reliable wireless system LPR®-1D24. The data is transmitted via the integrated LPR® wireless data link or via Ethernet. Symeo´s Collision Control Center visualizes and monitors the position of all participating objects in real-time.

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